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Showing articles from OneDrive tag

OneDrive vs Teams vs Sharepoint

# **What’s the Difference Between OneDrive and Teams and Sharepoint?** OneDrive is for **your** stuff Sharepoint is for **group** stuff If your Team or department or working group has files that everyone should be able to access or to edit–even when you are out of the office, they belong in the Team files or in Sha…

OneDrive Overview

# **Microsoft OneDrive** OneDrive is an online service that provides file storage and collaboration through file sharing. It provides file versioning and backups for all your files including: photos, videos and documents. On this page we have a collection of some of our training materials. Also check out **Sharing Fi…

Move your files from the U: Drive to OneDrive

**_Moving your Files from the U: Drive to OneDrive_** If your account had a U: drive configured, you will need to move your files from the U: drive to your OneDrive folder once the app has been configured. 1. Verify that your **Documents** have been moved 1. Open **File Explorer** ![][1] 2. In the left…

Welcome to Southern Crescent!

As a new faculty or staff member, you'll need to access various computer accounts to perform different tasks and get important information. Most of these accounts are accessible from the faculty and staff [Okta Portal][1] ( # **_Account Summary_** * Banner - Student Records. Banner Self-Service o…

How to configure the OneDrive desktop app

# _**Initial OneDrive Configuration**_ By default, OneDrive is installed on everyone's desktop computer. However, there is some initial configuration that is required before you can begin using OneDrive. If you need assistance completing the configuration, please contact the [IT HelpDesk][1]. _**Definitions:**_ …

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