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Home > Help by Technology > OneDrive > Move your files from the U: Drive to OneDrive
Move your files from the U: Drive to OneDrive
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Moving your Files from the U: Drive to OneDrive

If your account had a U: drive configured, you will need to move your files from the U: drive to your OneDrive folder once the app has been configured.  

  1. Verify that your Documents have been moved
    1. Open File Explorer
    2. In the left-hand column of the File Explorer Window, you should see a folder named OneDrive - Southern Crescent Technical College
    3. Click on the Cloud icon
    4. On the right pane, look for Documents (if you do not see a Documents folder or the folder is empty, stop and submit a ticket immediately)
    5. Double click to open
    6. Verify there are files and folders

  2. Verify that you have files in the U: drive that need to be moved
    1. Right click on the File Explorer icon in the Taskbar and click File Explorer to open a new window
    2. Click the small arrow to the left of This PC then click on the icon for your U: drive (if you do not have a U: drive mapped, do not continue with these instructions and contact the helpdesk)
    3. Verify that there are folders and files here. If you only see a “Documents” or “My Documents” folder, you do not need to do anything further

  3. Move your files to OneDrive
    1. Adjust your File Explorer Windows so that they are side by side:
    2. On the window where your U: drive is selected, click on any file or folder
    3. Press the Control key and A at the same time to select all files and folders (CTRL + A)
    4. If there is a Documents or My Documents Folder listed, hold down your Control key and click that folder to deselect it (we do not want to move this folder because it has already been copied to OneDrive)
    5. Right click on any of the selected files or folders and choose Cut
    6. On the other File Explorer Window, Right Click OneDrive and choose Paste:
    7. If you receive any sort of pop up message about overwriting a file that already exists or anything you are not sure of, stop immediately and submit a helpdesk ticket so that someone can work with you on the move process.
    8. Once you have successfully completed this process (or you have nothing to move), please send an email to [email protected] for confirmation that the process has been completed. If you run into any problems or need help, send an email to [email protected] or visit to submit a ticket.
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