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Home > Help by Technology > OneDrive > How to create a OneDrive File Request
How to create a OneDrive File Request
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Overview: OneDrive File requests allow users to ask colleagues to upload files to a designated folder.  This is useful when a file is too large to share via email or you want to receive files from multiple people for a project.  Anyone with the link can send you files.  However, they cannot see any other files in the folder, edit files, or download files.  This ensures the security of the files.  All uploaded files will only be available to the end user who created the file request.  If you need to share this folder with others in your department, please contact the IT Department. 


How to Create a OneDrive File Request


  1. Once you're signed in to OneDrive, click the gray bar at the top of the dashboard and select "New". Create a new folder and name the folder, then save it.  Alternately, you can select an existing folder.
  2. Next, choose the folder you want to upload the file to and select "Request files" from the grey top menu
  3. Under "What files are you requesting", enter a descriptive name for the file you requested from someone else. (They'll see this description when they receive a file request.) Then click "Next".
  4. You can select "Copy link" to copy the file request link and send it to anyone you want to request the file from, or you can enter the email address or address of the person you want to request the file from. You can also type a message that will be included in the email OneDrive sends them. 
  5. Finally select "Done".
  6. You should receive a notification email whenever someone uploads a file to your file request folder









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